References in the recycling industry

Together with a strong network of distributors and installers across the world, JKF is your guarantee of the right solution when it is about process extraction in the recycling industry

Below you will find three actual references.

If you need a more specific reference which matches your company, you can click the link below. When we know more about your needs, we will, together with one of our many co-operation partners, be able to find relevant references. 


Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S
End user:Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S
Plant manufacturer:LB Service ApS
Plant type:Filter plant from sorting machines
Filter type:BF 55EC 3,0 S + BF 34EC 4,0 S
Duct system:JKF Standard galvanised
Dust type:Polyolefines (plastic dust)
Total extraction volume:20.000 m3/h
Volume flow:14.000 + 6.000 m3/h
Eko-Region Sp. z o.o.
End user:Eko-Region Sp. z o.o.
Plant manufacturer:NEU-JKF Sp. z.o.o.
Plant type:JKF filtration solution from Westeria sorting line
Filter type:SJF 4,0 ERR EC
Fan type:JK-60 MTD
Duct system:JKF standard galvanised
Dust type:Plastic waste, wood waste, communal waste
Total extraction volume:20.000 m3/h
Volume flow:20.000 m3/h