In JKF we want to add value and take responsibility for the way our business impacts on society at the same time as delivering the best top quality equipment and services to our customers. Fundamentally, we want to behave responsibly as individuals and as a company.
To ensure that we live up to our ambition of responsibility, we have established a CSR policy. Our CSR policy constitutes the framework for our activities and for our profile as an attractive employer and business partner.
The CSR policy is based on our compliance with all laws and regulations.
We will work with our supply chain to improve the social and environmental impact of our deliveries.
We will support and respect international human rights contained in the International Bill of Human Rights. We will assess our actual and potential adverse impact on these international human rights. We will remedy adverse impacts on human rights in case we are involved in such.
We will respect the privacy of our customers and employees.
We will work to ensure non-discrimination and equal opportunities. This applies internally with regard to our employees and externally in our value chain.
We will provide our employees with an employment framework that always will follow applicable laws and collective agreements in our areas with regard to the payment of fair wages as well as other employment conditions. We will work to ensure that our employees have development opportunities at work by offering education and training.
We will provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment.
We will protect our employees against any corporal punishment, mental coercion or harassment.
We will recognize our employees' right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
We will denounce forced labour and child labour. If we hire young workers between 15 and 18 years, they may not perform hazardous work or night work.
We will not discriminate in the workplace because of age, sex, race, colour, disability, religion or belief, language, national or social origin, trade union membership or any other discrimination grounds recognized by international law. We will only make decisions regarding hiring and employment on the basis of relevant and objective criteria.
We will comply with environmental legislation including through ongoing training and monitoring.
We will work systematically to continually improve environmental performance to reduce our impact on the environment and to promote greater environmental responsibility.
We will support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
We will maintain a high level of integrity and accountability in all our external relationships, and we do not participate in corruption or bribery. We will not offer, promise or give any kind of bribes to improperly influence public officials, judges or business associates.
We will also refrain from receiving or accepting any bribes ourselves.
Our agents, middlemen or other persons acting on our behalf are subject to this obligation not to participate in corruption or bribery.